Manufacture of food beverages and tobacco products
Kalnakrogs, LTD

Agriculture equipment, Agricultural machinery trade tractor machinery trade, livestock machinery trade sale of public utility machinery, new agricultural machinerym, used agricultural machinery, forest equipment, garden equipment, gardening equipment, environmental care equipment, rakes, combines, plows, cultivators, mulchers, feed

Kalnakrogs, LTD
Agriculture equipment, Agricultural machinery trade tractor machinery trade, livestock machinery trade sale of public utility machinery, new agricultural machinerym, used agricultural machinery, forest equipment, garden equipment, gardening equipment, environmental care equipment, rakes, combines, plows, cultivators, mulchers, feed
Rīgas 107, Ķekava, Ķekavas nov., LV-2123

Road construction, building demolition, improvement, pond digging, land leveling, sand delivery, shiver delivery, black earth delivery, bulk cargo delivery, gravel, sand, black earth, tree cutting, stump digging, excavation works, excavator services, digging works, lorry (truck) services, truck, excavator, construction site preparation.

Road construction, building demolition, improvement, pond digging, land leveling, sand delivery, shiver delivery, black earth delivery, bulk cargo delivery, gravel, sand, black earth, tree cutting, stump digging, excavation works, excavator services, digging works, lorry (truck) services, truck, excavator, construction site preparation.
"Rasas", Skultes pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4025, LTD

Indoor plants, Purchase of houseplants, Greening, Office greening, Landscaping design, Pots, Decorative pots, Large pots, Small pots, Clay pots, Plastic pots, Composite pots, Plant boxes, Care, Houseplant care, Indoor plant management, Houseplant cleaning, Gardener, Gardener's consultation, Gardener service, Delivery, Houseplant, LTD
Indoor plants, Purchase of houseplants, Greening, Office greening, Landscaping design, Pots, Decorative pots, Large pots, Small pots, Clay pots, Plastic pots, Composite pots, Plant boxes, Care, Houseplant care, Indoor plant management, Houseplant cleaning, Gardener, Gardener's consultation, Gardener service, Delivery, Houseplant
Kārļa Ulmaņa gatve 2 k-3, Rīga, LV-1004
Tapflo, LTD

Tapflo in Latvia, Tapflo in Estonia, Tapflo in Lithuania, Tapflo in the Baltic States, Baltic states, Technical equipment for trade equipment for pharmaceuticals, for the production of cosmetics, food and chemical industries, Pumps, Membrane pumps, PE, PTFE series pumps, Metal pumps, API pumps, Sanitary pumps, Pharmaceutical pumps, EHEDG pumps,

Tapflo, LTD
Tapflo in Latvia, Tapflo in Estonia, Tapflo in Lithuania, Tapflo in the Baltic States, Baltic states, Technical equipment for trade equipment for pharmaceuticals, for the production of cosmetics, food and chemical industries, Pumps, Membrane pumps, PE, PTFE series pumps, Metal pumps, API pumps, Sanitary pumps, Pharmaceutical pumps, EHEDG pumps,
Dārzciema 60 - 222, Rīga, LV-1073

Construction, construction works, construction, estimate, dismantling, facade works, facade insulation, foundation concreting, concreting, concreting of floors, finishing works, interior finish, repair works, full-cycle construction, building repair, refurbishment of apartments, working with plasterboard, painting, puttying, wall

Construction, construction works, construction, estimate, dismantling, facade works, facade insulation, foundation concreting, concreting, concreting of floors, finishing works, interior finish, repair works, full-cycle construction, building repair, refurbishment of apartments, working with plasterboard, painting, puttying, wall
Jelgava LV-3007
Latvijas Pazemes Ūdeņi, LTD

Boreholes, borehole, well drilling, geothermal drills, well design, repair. Artesian wells. Water analysis. Water supply, water-supply systems, purification equipment, geological research, geology, soil and groundwater analysis, quarry research, building foundation surveying, sewerage.

Latvijas Pazemes Ūdeņi, LTD
Boreholes, borehole, well drilling, geothermal drills, well design, repair. Artesian wells. Water analysis. Water supply, water-supply systems, purification equipment, geological research, geology, soil and groundwater analysis, quarry research, building foundation surveying, sewerage.
Dravnieku 6 - 100, Rīga, LV-1021
Alko, LTD

Transport services, road transport, tiber hauler services, logistic services, logistics, freight transport, bulky and heavyweight trailer services, auto hoist with basket services, bulldozer services, bulldozer services throughout Latvia, excavation works, alignment, gliding, stump digging, road construction, moving floor transport,

Alko, LTD
Transport services, road transport, tiber hauler services, logistic services, logistics, freight transport, bulky and heavyweight trailer services, auto hoist with basket services, bulldozer services, bulldozer services throughout Latvia, excavation works, alignment, gliding, stump digging, road construction, moving floor transport,
"Silāres", Vidsala, Kalna pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5220
Agroķīmija Saldus, LTD

Plant protection products, fuel, mineral fertilizers, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, stains, NPK fertilizer, MPL fertilizer, vegetable fertilizer, ammonium nitrate. Coils, coil, chip briquettes, polyethylene, ( PVC) film, ( roll film, trench film, greenhouse films, agricultural nets) . Professional consultations. All for

Agroķīmija Saldus, LTD
Plant protection products, fuel, mineral fertilizers, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, stains, NPK fertilizer, MPL fertilizer, vegetable fertilizer, ammonium nitrate. Coils, coil, chip briquettes, polyethylene, ( PVC) film, ( roll film, trench film, greenhouse films, agricultural nets) . Professional consultations. All for
"Birzītes", Saldus pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3862
Avarijas dienests, Ltd.

Sanitary works, plumbing services, plumbing works, emergency plumbing works 00-24, electrical accident, plumber, Emergency plumbers, Emergency plumbing works, emergency plumbing works, 24-hour emergency, Sewerage accident, cleaning, accident liquidation, Water-pipe and sewerage, 24-hour emergency service, 24-hour calls, sewerage

Avarijas dienests, Ltd.
Sanitary works, plumbing services, plumbing works, emergency plumbing works 00-24, electrical accident, plumber, Emergency plumbers, Emergency plumbing works, emergency plumbing works, 24-hour emergency, Sewerage accident, cleaning, accident liquidation, Water-pipe and sewerage, 24-hour emergency service, 24-hour calls, sewerage
Dzirciema 89 - 6, Rīga, LV-1055
Baltic Restaurants Latvia, LTD

Banquets, catering, lunch delivery to collectives, restaurants, restaurant in the center, off-site banquets, celebrations, restaurant, BALTIC RESTAURANTS, DAILY SPECIAL, DAILY, SUBWAY, TAKE OFF, CHAT, dining restaurant, lunch restaurants, cafes, cafe, cafe, cook-shop, canteens, catering of employees of enterprises, food delivery, food

Baltic Restaurants Latvia, LTD
Banquets, catering, lunch delivery to collectives, restaurants, restaurant in the center, off-site banquets, celebrations, restaurant, BALTIC RESTAURANTS, DAILY SPECIAL, DAILY, SUBWAY, TAKE OFF, CHAT, dining restaurant, lunch restaurants, cafes, cafe, cafe, cook-shop, canteens, catering of employees of enterprises, food delivery, food
Elizabetes 20, Rīga, LV-1050
Fito preparāti, LTD

vitamins, immunity, health, strengthen health, immunity strengthening, intestinal health, internet shop, made in Latvia, Latvian product, diabetes mellitus
, oncology, oncology prevention, tumor, blood pressure, cholesterol, respiratory diseases, improving stomach function, stomach ulcer, gastritis, intestinal tract, common

Fito preparāti, LTD
vitamins, immunity, health, strengthen health, immunity strengthening, intestinal health, internet shop, made in Latvia, Latvian product, diabetes mellitus
, oncology, oncology prevention, tumor, blood pressure, cholesterol, respiratory diseases, improving stomach function, stomach ulcer, gastritis, intestinal tract, common
Šveices 31, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150
Melderi K. & V., LTD

Grain processing, Grain processing in Latvia, feed preparation, grains, feed, Feed preparation, Grain milling: wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, beans, peas, grain rolling, rolling of grain in fodder, Grain crusher, grain preserving, canning of wet grains, grain mills. Mobile mill for fodder preparation in Valmiera, forage mills, Grain mills,

Melderi K. & V., LTD
Grain processing, Grain processing in Latvia, feed preparation, grains, feed, Feed preparation, Grain milling: wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, beans, peas, grain rolling, rolling of grain in fodder, Grain crusher, grain preserving, canning of wet grains, grain mills. Mobile mill for fodder preparation in Valmiera, forage mills, Grain mills,
Ozolu 4, Valmiermuiža, Valmieras pagasts, Valmieras nov., LV-4219
Bee Box, LTD

Queen-bee royal jelly, royal jelly in capsule form, different flower honey, propolis, propolis in alcohol, propolis in oil, bee bread, beeswax candles, beeswax cloth, honey, Advent candles, immunity, immunity strengthening, metabolism improvement, metabolism, blood pressure, antioxidant, cholesterol, cholesterol reduction,

Bee Box, LTD
Queen-bee royal jelly, royal jelly in capsule form, different flower honey, propolis, propolis in alcohol, propolis in oil, bee bread, beeswax candles, beeswax cloth, honey, Advent candles, immunity, immunity strengthening, metabolism improvement, metabolism, blood pressure, antioxidant, cholesterol, cholesterol reduction,
Mednieku 4, Ciemupe, Ogresgala pagasts, Ogres nov., LV-5001
Valens Nutri, LTD

Prebiotic, Preimmu, skin health, immunity, immunity strengthening, Valens Nutri Power Pack, OBVProt, bone health, gut health, appetite control, digestive support.

Valens Nutri, LTD
Prebiotic, Preimmu, skin health, immunity, immunity strengthening, Valens Nutri Power Pack, OBVProt, bone health, gut health, appetite control, digestive support.
Stacijas 6, Dundaga, Dundagas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3270
Biolat, JSC

Immunity, ability to work, fatigue, immunity strengthening, immunity in winter, protection against viruses, quality food supplements, Premium aromatherapy, aromatherapy oils, natural oils, high quality aromatic oils, essential oils, 100% essential oil, nutrition supplements, for immunity in women, for immunity in men, for sportists, body

Biolat, JSC
Immunity, ability to work, fatigue, immunity strengthening, immunity in winter, protection against viruses, quality food supplements, Premium aromatherapy, aromatherapy oils, natural oils, high quality aromatic oils, essential oils, 100% essential oil, nutrition supplements, for immunity in women, for immunity in men, for sportists, body
Rīgas 111, Salaspils, Salaspils nov., LV-2169
Vecā maiznīca, LTD

Bread, baker’s shop, bakery, confectionery, white bread, rye-bread, ciabatta, fine rye, pretzels, muffins, buns, toast bread, bread wholesale, rye bread products, wheat bread products, flour products. Bread and flour product manufacturing. Milk white bread, road bread, Latgales white bread. Vidzemes fine rye-bread. Ciabatta, ( ciabata) .

Vecā maiznīca, LTD
Bread, baker’s shop, bakery, confectionery, white bread, rye-bread, ciabatta, fine rye, pretzels, muffins, buns, toast bread, bread wholesale, rye bread products, wheat bread products, flour products. Bread and flour product manufacturing. Milk white bread, road bread, Latgales white bread. Vidzemes fine rye-bread. Ciabatta, ( ciabata) .
Brīvības 14K, Rēzekne, LV-4601

Užavas live beer production, trade, delivery. Brewery. Gifts, cups, beer souvenirs. Wholesale, beer production, shop, live beer, natural raw materials, natural. Beer production in Latvia, Kurzeme. Latvian natural beer. Excursions.

Užavas live beer production, trade, delivery. Brewery. Gifts, cups, beer souvenirs. Wholesale, beer production, shop, live beer, natural raw materials, natural. Beer production in Latvia, Kurzeme. Latvian natural beer. Excursions.
"Alutiņi", Užavas pagasts, Ventspils nov., LV-3627
Aneva J, LTD

Pressing apple juice in Kekava. Juice producers in Latvia. Fruit processing, purchase, food, fruit juice, juices, berry juices, rhubarb juices. Juice made of dessert apples, dessert juice, containing no preservatives, cranberry, raspberry, blueberry, chokeberry juice
, juices, sea buckthorn juice, blackcurrant, cherry, red bilberry.

Aneva J, LTD
Pressing apple juice in Kekava. Juice producers in Latvia. Fruit processing, purchase, food, fruit juice, juices, berry juices, rhubarb juices. Juice made of dessert apples, dessert juice, containing no preservatives, cranberry, raspberry, blueberry, chokeberry juice
, juices, sea buckthorn juice, blackcurrant, cherry, red bilberry.
"Lielručkas", Ķekavas pagasts, Ķekavas nov., LV-2123
Siguldas maiznieks, LTD

Sweets, Waffles, Cakes, Rusks, Cookies, Wholesale of confectionery, Mini crackers: vanillin, with raisins, poppies, for seeds, Pound cake with dried fruit, pound cake with raisins, cookies, cookies with raisins, nuts, sunflower seeds, Cookies "Favorites", Cookies: oatmeal, oatmeal with nuts, sunflower seeds, Cookies "Houses", cookies

Siguldas maiznieks, LTD
Sweets, Waffles, Cakes, Rusks, Cookies, Wholesale of confectionery, Mini crackers: vanillin, with raisins, poppies, for seeds, Pound cake with dried fruit, pound cake with raisins, cookies, cookies with raisins, nuts, sunflower seeds, Cookies "Favorites", Cookies: oatmeal, oatmeal with nuts, sunflower seeds, Cookies "Houses", cookies
Mālpils 4, Sigulda, Siguldas nov. LV-2150
Hanzas Maiznīcas, JSC

Bread and grain mill products trade, Bread, Bread products, "Vizbulīte" dark seed bread, "Sunflower" sunflower seed bread, "Rudzupuķe" rye seed bread, "Meadows" 4-seed toasted bread, "Toste" toaster bread Classic, "Toste" seed sandwich bread, "Toste" whole grain with vitamin D, "Toste" light wholemeal toast, "Toste" protein toast, "Toste" the

Hanzas Maiznīcas, JSC
Bread and grain mill products trade, Bread, Bread products, "Vizbulīte" dark seed bread, "Sunflower" sunflower seed bread, "Rudzupuķe" rye seed bread, "Meadows" 4-seed toasted bread, "Toste" toaster bread Classic, "Toste" seed sandwich bread, "Toste" whole grain with vitamin D, "Toste" light wholemeal toast, "Toste" protein toast, "Toste" the
Brīvības 155A, Rīga, LV-1012
APU Genesis Ltd

Antibiotic tests for milk, quick surface purity tests, water purity tests, milk pasteurization tests, laboratory equipment, milk analyzers, microbiological tests, mycotoxin tests for grains, Charm Sciences Inc, Cryoscopes, luminometers, aflatoxin tests, aflatoxin tests on milk, peroxidases test, Dry cultures prepared in E.coli and Coliform,

APU Genesis Ltd
Antibiotic tests for milk, quick surface purity tests, water purity tests, milk pasteurization tests, laboratory equipment, milk analyzers, microbiological tests, mycotoxin tests for grains, Charm Sciences Inc, Cryoscopes, luminometers, aflatoxin tests, aflatoxin tests on milk, peroxidases test, Dry cultures prepared in E.coli and Coliform,
Ganību dambis 24D - 715, Rīga, LV-1005
MarMar Meat, LTD

Poultry st sale of beer , BIO poultry meat sales , Fresh Meat trade . Organic, BIO meat trade, beef trade, organically reared cattle, lamb, sale of poultry meat, trade, shops in Riga, Āgenskalna market, Imanta market. Poultry, Poultry meat( Broiler chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Eggs) Organically grown, slaughtered and divided lamb, beef, veal and

MarMar Meat, LTD
Poultry st sale of beer , BIO poultry meat sales , Fresh Meat trade . Organic, BIO meat trade, beef trade, organically reared cattle, lamb, sale of poultry meat, trade, shops in Riga, Āgenskalna market, Imanta market. Poultry, Poultry meat( Broiler chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Eggs) Organically grown, slaughtered and divided lamb, beef, veal and
Avotu 11, Lielvārde, Ogres nov., LV-5071
Purmalas, Farm

Cheese production in Gulbene, cheese with additives, Jāņu cheese, cheese production, eco product. Country goods, biological, Environmental health, household
, self-baked bread, degustations, fresh cheeses, muffins, patties, recreation in countryside. Tourism and travel. Household visit in Galgauska parish, Gulbenes district, Purmalas

Purmalas, Farm
Cheese production in Gulbene, cheese with additives, Jāņu cheese, cheese production, eco product. Country goods, biological, Environmental health, household
, self-baked bread, degustations, fresh cheeses, muffins, patties, recreation in countryside. Tourism and travel. Household visit in Galgauska parish, Gulbenes district, Purmalas
"Purmalas", Galgauskas pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4428
Labā Virtuve, LTD

Children's nutrition, food delivery, food delivery for kindergartens, private kindergartens, natural products, gluten-free pastry, confectionery, gluten-free cakes, buckwheat flour gingerbread, griķu miltu, gingerbread dough, cookies, banquets, allergies, product intolerance, menus, biological products, ECO products, organic beef,

Labā Virtuve, LTD
Children's nutrition, food delivery, food delivery for kindergartens, private kindergartens, natural products, gluten-free pastry, confectionery, gluten-free cakes, buckwheat flour gingerbread, griķu miltu, gingerbread dough, cookies, banquets, allergies, product intolerance, menus, biological products, ECO products, organic beef,
Bieķensalas 2, Rīga, LV-1004
Lieliskie, LTD

Healthy food, natural products, nuts, seeds, bez cukura, for vegans, vegetarian products, chocolate, gifts, treats, organic food products, non-food products, degustations, delicious pieces of sunflower seeds, flaxseed pizzas, pumpkin Seed Crispy Bites, peanut soft bites, almond energy bites, hazelnut power balls, chewy chocolate, honey

Lieliskie, LTD
Healthy food, natural products, nuts, seeds, bez cukura, for vegans, vegetarian products, chocolate, gifts, treats, organic food products, non-food products, degustations, delicious pieces of sunflower seeds, flaxseed pizzas, pumpkin Seed Crispy Bites, peanut soft bites, almond energy bites, hazelnut power balls, chewy chocolate, honey
Brīvības 152, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5201