Activities of performing arts

Stage, sound and light equipment, Sound equipment, Lighting equipment, Stage equipment Sound equipment, Light equipment, Stage equipment. Event, concert, festival, exhibition, presentation technical support. Event technical support, Organization of events. Sound. Light. Stage. Decorations Lighting equipment for concerts, for

Stage, sound and light equipment, Sound equipment, Lighting equipment, Stage equipment Sound equipment, Light equipment, Stage equipment. Event, concert, festival, exhibition, presentation technical support. Event technical support, Organization of events. Sound. Light. Stage. Decorations Lighting equipment for concerts, for
Mālu 30, Rīga, LV-1058
Producentu grupa 7, LTD

Producer group 7. Musical theatre 7. Event, measures, entertainments, producers, organizers, organization of concerts, concerts, spectacles, open-air theater performances, organizing, Theaters. Costumes. Carnival, carnival costumes for rent, attributes. Tickets, ticket sale.

Producentu grupa 7, LTD
Producer group 7. Musical theatre 7. Event, measures, entertainments, producers, organizers, organization of concerts, concerts, spectacles, open-air theater performances, organizing, Theaters. Costumes. Carnival, carnival costumes for rent, attributes. Tickets, ticket sale.
Dēļu 4, Rīga, LV-1004, LTD

Advertising agency, freelancers, promotional material preparation, development of print works, advertising placement, advertising materials, visual solutions for marketing, digital marketing services, Video services, graphic animation, creating product videos, product video amazon, product video for etsy shop, service video, video on the, LTD
Advertising agency, freelancers, promotional material preparation, development of print works, advertising placement, advertising materials, visual solutions for marketing, digital marketing services, Video services, graphic animation, creating product videos, product video amazon, product video for etsy shop, service video, video on the
Valentīna 16, Rīga, LV-1083
Ivars Feldbergs, LTD

Stone processing, fountains, tombstones. Interior items, tables, benches, garden furniture, finish for fireplaces, light elements, rock gardens. Stone wall made of boulders. Stone restoration works. Stone sculptures. Ivars Feldbergs - stonemason, certificated master craftsman. Tombstone making. Stone processing Riga, tombstones Riga

Ivars Feldbergs, LTD
Stone processing, fountains, tombstones. Interior items, tables, benches, garden furniture, finish for fireplaces, light elements, rock gardens. Stone wall made of boulders. Stone restoration works. Stone sculptures. Ivars Feldbergs - stonemason, certificated master craftsman. Tombstone making. Stone processing Riga, tombstones Riga
Zantes 8, Rīga, LV-1029
Eiropas skaņa, LTD

Stage constructions, Stage, Sound, Light, Measures, Event organizing attributes, Hardware, equipment rental, rent, installation, sound and light equipment, speakers, acoustic systems, small concert systems, large concert systems, sound, ( sound) control board, consoles, digital multikors, lighting equipment, light control boards, control

Eiropas skaņa, LTD
Stage constructions, Stage, Sound, Light, Measures, Event organizing attributes, Hardware, equipment rental, rent, installation, sound and light equipment, speakers, acoustic systems, small concert systems, large concert systems, sound, ( sound) control board, consoles, digital multikors, lighting equipment, light control boards, control
Ķengaraga 6, Rīga, LV-1063
Lielizmēra deco, LTD

decorations, large flower decorations, decorations for rent, flower stands, photo sessions, master classes, trainings

Lielizmēra deco, LTD
decorations, large flower decorations, decorations for rent, flower stands, photo sessions, master classes, trainings
Gaurata 10, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701
SGS Sistēmas, LTD

Professional light equipment, professional sound equipment, wholesale of stage equipment, light equipment trade, sale of sound equipment, stage equipment, stage podiums, stage fabrics, stage drapes, mobile stages, acoustic systems, audio control systems, sound equipment, sound amplifier, sound systems, light control equipment, led lighting

SGS Sistēmas, LTD
Professional light equipment, professional sound equipment, wholesale of stage equipment, light equipment trade, sale of sound equipment, stage equipment, stage podiums, stage fabrics, stage drapes, mobile stages, acoustic systems, audio control systems, sound equipment, sound amplifier, sound systems, light control equipment, led lighting
Plēnes 4, Rīga, LV-1046
Atštaukas, Liepaja Actresses Folklore union

Folklore promotion, concerts, wedding celebrations and celebrations with folklore programs, rest evenings, Welcomes tourist groups, Kurzeme traditional soup, traditional soups, admission of tour groups, Folklore, folklore schools, schools for children, Cultural heritage, Latvian heritage, Folklore Center "House"

Atštaukas, Liepaja Actresses Folklore union
Folklore promotion, concerts, wedding celebrations and celebrations with folklore programs, rest evenings, Welcomes tourist groups, Kurzeme traditional soup, traditional soups, admission of tour groups, Folklore, folklore schools, schools for children, Cultural heritage, Latvian heritage, Folklore Center "House"
Bāriņu 32, Liepāja, LV-3401
Pelnrušķītes sapnis, Individual merchant

Theatrical tour, Exploratory tour, exploration tour, Creative workshop, Dressed up, enjoy the makeover, Banquet hall

Pelnrušķītes sapnis, Individual merchant
Theatrical tour, Exploratory tour, exploration tour, Creative workshop, Dressed up, enjoy the makeover, Banquet hall
Latgales 60, Ludza, Ludzas nov., LV-5701
Diogens audio, LTD

Sound, light, stage equipment, removable stages sale, rent( rental) installation, repair, service. Stage structures and mechanics. Stage podiums, lifting racks. Installation works. Concert, festival, celebration, event, disco technical support, sounding, organizing. Sound equipment. Sound equipment. Sound equipment. Acoustic systems,

Diogens audio, LTD
Sound, light, stage equipment, removable stages sale, rent( rental) installation, repair, service. Stage structures and mechanics. Stage podiums, lifting racks. Installation works. Concert, festival, celebration, event, disco technical support, sounding, organizing. Sound equipment. Sound equipment. Sound equipment. Acoustic systems,
Partizānu 47, Balvi, Balvu nov., LV-4501
Gaco, LTD

Video. Professional sound and light equipment, equipment( hardware) installation, rent, ( rental) service, Light equipment, Prefabricated( mobile) stage hire, ( rental) installation, Sound, light, stage for concerts, for discos, for presentations, sports games, for corporate events, for banquets, Professional playback equipment, rental of

Gaco, LTD
Video. Professional sound and light equipment, equipment( hardware) installation, rent, ( rental) service, Light equipment, Prefabricated( mobile) stage hire, ( rental) installation, Sound, light, stage for concerts, for discos, for presentations, sports games, for corporate events, for banquets, Professional playback equipment, rental of
Ventspils 50, Rīga LV-1002
Ilizanna, arts development association
Activities of performing arts
Ilizanna, arts development association
Activities of performing arts
Striķu 7, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Konceptline, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Konceptline, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Normets, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Normets, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Strādnieku šķērsiela 7A, Rēzekne, LV-4604
Rimanaudio, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Rimanaudio, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Rikava, Smilšu 6, Rikavas pagasts, Rēzeknes nov. LV-4648
Koncertmeistars, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Koncertmeistars, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Klints Galerija, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Klints Galerija, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Palangas 13-2, Liepāja, LV-3401
Marta Emīlija, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Marta Emīlija, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Krasta 17, Bauska, Bauskas nov. LV-3901
Rota-L, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Rota-L, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Turaidas 10, Sigulda, Siguldas nov., LV-2150
Arteforma, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Arteforma, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Alberta 8, Rīga, LV-1010
Activities of performing arts
Activities of performing arts
Lugažu 12-6, Rīga, LV-1045
Rišeljē, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Rišeljē, LTD
Activities of performing arts
Pils 8, Tukums, Tukuma nov., LV-3101
BILIBABA, Individual merchant
Activities of performing arts
BILIBABA, Individual merchant
Activities of performing arts
Akmeņu 14B, Berģi, Garkalnes pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-1024
Liepiņa, Sole proprietorship
Activities of performing arts
Liepiņa, Sole proprietorship
Activities of performing arts
Rūpniecības 13, Bauska, Bauskas nov., LV-3901