Growing of other perennial crops
Bērziņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Bērziņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Bērziņi", Zaļenieku pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3011
Ceriņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Ceriņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Puisāni , Gaigalavas pagasts, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4618
Druvas, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Druvas, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Druvas", Rundāles pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3921
Dzeņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Dzeņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Dzeņi", Feimaņi, Feimaņu pagasts, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4623
Dzērves, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Dzērves, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Dimanti", Dunavas pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5216
Elkšņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Elkšņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Škiņči, Stoļerovas pagasts, Rēzeknes nov., LV-4642
Gietas, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Gietas, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Kalvenes 82, Aizpute, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3456
Jasmīni, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Jasmīni, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Jasmīni", Vīpe, Vīpes pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5238
Jaunozoli, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Jaunozoli, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Jaunozoli", Brenguļu pagasts, Valmieras nov. LV-4245
Jaunstrūkas, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Jaunstrūkas, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Salenieki", Plāņu pagasts, Valmieras nov., LV-4727
Jaunzemi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Jaunzemi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Jaunzemi , Ļaudonas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4862
Jāņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Jāņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Jāņi", Neretas pagasts, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5118
Kalnbudes, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Kalnbudes, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Kalnbudes", Vidrižu pagasts, Limbažu nov., LV-4013
Kalnābeles, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Kalnābeles, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Kalnābeles", Sēja, Sējas pagasts, Saulkrastu nov., LV-2142
Kalnāres, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Kalnāres, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Kalnāres", Blomes pagasts, Smiltenes nov., LV-4707
Katlauki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Katlauki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Katlauki", Abavas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3294
Klošāres, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Klošāres, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Klošāres", Skrīveru pagasts, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5125
Korsikova, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Korsikova, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Korsikova , Preiļu pagasts, Preiļu nov. LV-5301
Krūmiņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Krūmiņi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Krūmiņi", Variešu pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5236
Kurmīši, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Kurmīši, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Rakuti , Ūdrīšu pagasts, Krāslavas nov., LV-5601
Lazdukalni, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Lazdukalni, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Lazdukalni", Elkšņu pagasts, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5217
Laši, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Laši, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Laši", Patašiene, Sutru pagasts, Līvānu nov., LV-5334
Lejasvagaļi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Lejasvagaļi, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Lejasvagaļi", Jeru pagasts, Valmieras nov. LV-4240
Lejnieki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Lejnieki, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Lejnieki", Krimuldas pagasts, Siguldas nov. LV-2145
Lielstraumes, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Lielstraumes, Farm
Growing of other non-perennial crops
"Rožstraumes", Zaļenieku pagasts, Jelgavas nov. LV-3011