Manufacture of other articles of concrete cement and plaster
Stafor, LTD

Heat engineering, heating equipment, heating boilers, STATERM heat carriers, electrode ion boilers, heating antifreeze, antifreezes, solar collector, solar collectors, thermodynamic system, thermodynamic, heat pump, heating systems, heating system installation, thermal equipment, heat supply, water filters, electrode ion boilers,

Stafor, LTD
Heat engineering, heating equipment, heating boilers, STATERM heat carriers, electrode ion boilers, heating antifreeze, antifreezes, solar collector, solar collectors, thermodynamic system, thermodynamic, heat pump, heating systems, heating system installation, thermal equipment, heat supply, water filters, electrode ion boilers,
Kuldīgas 53A, Rīga, LV-1083
Your Dream House, LTD

Modular homes, construction, panel houses, apartment buildings, summer houses, garden houses, baths, camping houses, guest houses, cafe cabins, trading houses, tourist information center cabins, nature-friendly houses, energy-efficient houses, large sauna, small sauna, small residential houses, modular building construction, house with

Your Dream House, LTD
Modular homes, construction, panel houses, apartment buildings, summer houses, garden houses, baths, camping houses, guest houses, cafe cabins, trading houses, tourist information center cabins, nature-friendly houses, energy-efficient houses, large sauna, small sauna, small residential houses, modular building construction, house with
Ezermalas 3, Liepāja, LV-3401
Būvelementi, LTD

Building elements. Sawmill Baldone. Sawmills in Latvia. Finishing plank sale. Sawn timber. Wholesale of boards, trade, sawn timber, timber. Certified boards. CE certificate. Boards 25x50. Boards 25x100. Boards 25x150. Beams 50x100. Beams 50x150, Beams 50x200. Beams 50x250. Laths. Non-standard size beams. Purchase of forest property. Logging.

Būvelementi, LTD
Building elements. Sawmill Baldone. Sawmills in Latvia. Finishing plank sale. Sawn timber. Wholesale of boards, trade, sawn timber, timber. Certified boards. CE certificate. Boards 25x50. Boards 25x100. Boards 25x150. Beams 50x100. Beams 50x150, Beams 50x200. Beams 50x250. Laths. Non-standard size beams. Purchase of forest property. Logging.
"Koki", Baldones pagasts, Ķekavas nov., LV-2125
Arilans, LTD

Concrete, concrete production and delivery, ready-mixed concrete, transport concrete delivery, concrete production and concrete delivery, concrete delivery, concrete with delivery, delivery of concrete to the facility with a mixer and a three-dimensional pump, fundamental foundation blocks, fundamental foundation blocks, excavator, dump

Arilans, LTD
Concrete, concrete production and delivery, ready-mixed concrete, transport concrete delivery, concrete production and concrete delivery, concrete delivery, concrete with delivery, delivery of concrete to the facility with a mixer and a three-dimensional pump, fundamental foundation blocks, fundamental foundation blocks, excavator, dump
Dauguļu 5, Ulbroka, Stopiņu pagasts, Ropažu nov. LV-2130
Eko nams, LTD

log building, wooden house, log buildings, home construction, home project, home projects, loghouse, loghome, woodhouse, timberhome, woodinterior, blockhouse, holzhaus, tø; mmerhytter, tø; mmerhytte, timber houses, hut, hus, log cabin, puma house, hunting lodges, trendhytte, dry; mmehus, laftehytte, laftehytta, quality, trehus, cabin,

Eko nams, LTD
log building, wooden house, log buildings, home construction, home project, home projects, loghouse, loghome, woodhouse, timberhome, woodinterior, blockhouse, holzhaus, tø; mmerhytter, tø; mmerhytte, timber houses, hut, hus, log cabin, puma house, hunting lodges, trendhytte, dry; mmehus, laftehytte, laftehytta, quality, trehus, cabin,
Celtniecības 26, Līvāni, Līvānu nov., LV-5316

Production of decorative concrete products to order, art concrete, Large flower pots, making pots, Concrete flower pots and boxes for garden and yard, Terrace flower pots made of cement, design products from polymer concrete, modern design flower boxes, garden tables, chairs, bowls, polymer concrete objects.

Production of decorative concrete products to order, art concrete, Large flower pots, making pots, Concrete flower pots and boxes for garden and yard, Terrace flower pots made of cement, design products from polymer concrete, modern design flower boxes, garden tables, chairs, bowls, polymer concrete objects.
Kalnciema 179, Rīga, LV-1046
Heidelberg Materials Latvija Betons, LTD

Concrete, manufacture of mortar, concrete production, ready-mixed concrete, production of concrete mortar. Concrete delivery, pumping, concrete pumping, concrete transportation. All kinds of ready-mixed concrete and mortar. Concrete trade and transportation. Concrete delivery to construction site. Concrete, ready-mixed concrete.

Heidelberg Materials Latvija Betons, LTD
Concrete, manufacture of mortar, concrete production, ready-mixed concrete, production of concrete mortar. Concrete delivery, pumping, concrete pumping, concrete transportation. All kinds of ready-mixed concrete and mortar. Concrete trade and transportation. Concrete delivery to construction site. Concrete, ready-mixed concrete.
Kroņu 5, Rīga, LV-1035
Aizputes betons, LTD

Road plates, road signs, concrete slabs, reinforced concrete slabs, well curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, curbs with bottom, curbs with base, wells covers, drainage rings, drainage covers, concrete cones, well lining ring bottoms, concrete ring balancing rings, concrete, concrete production and delivery, ready mixed concrete, concrete sale,

Aizputes betons, LTD
Road plates, road signs, concrete slabs, reinforced concrete slabs, well curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, curbs with bottom, curbs with base, wells covers, drainage rings, drainage covers, concrete cones, well lining ring bottoms, concrete ring balancing rings, concrete, concrete production and delivery, ready mixed concrete, concrete sale,
"Betona ražotne", Aizputes pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3456
Polymix Baltics, LTD

Bitumen. Transportation of bitumen emulsion. Polymix. Products meet EN 13808: 2013. Products have CE marking. Bitumen emulsion. Bitumen emulsion production, Gulbene, Gulbenes district, Vidzeme, In Latvia. Road construction, hole repair, road repair, road construction, bitumen, Bitumen materials. Contemporary bitumen materials for road

Polymix Baltics, LTD
Bitumen. Transportation of bitumen emulsion. Polymix. Products meet EN 13808: 2013. Products have CE marking. Bitumen emulsion. Bitumen emulsion production, Gulbene, Gulbenes district, Vidzeme, In Latvia. Road construction, hole repair, road repair, road construction, bitumen, Bitumen materials. Contemporary bitumen materials for road
Brīvības 99, Gulbene, Gulbenes nov., LV-4401
Keramserviss, LTD

Equipment for hardening metal, normalization, for melting and thawing, Furnace for ceramics annealing, Furnace for glass melting, Drying chamber, electrode climatic chamber, Powder painting camera, Thermo equipment spare parts supply and production, Nonstandard equipment manufacturing, Consultations about heat treatment facilities

Keramserviss, LTD
Equipment for hardening metal, normalization, for melting and thawing, Furnace for ceramics annealing, Furnace for glass melting, Drying chamber, electrode climatic chamber, Powder painting camera, Thermo equipment spare parts supply and production, Nonstandard equipment manufacturing, Consultations about heat treatment facilities
Podnieku 21, Ādaži, Ādažu nov. LV-2164
Pamats un Co, LTD

Concrete steps, Gates, Fences, Steps, Concrete stairs, Wooden fences, Concrete products, Concrete tiles, Flower pots, Railings, Balustrades, Concrete poles, Step restoration, Step assembly, Concrete slabs, Fence installation, Fences and pillar, Concrete benches, Benches, Facade details, Columns, Concrete columns.

Pamats un Co, LTD
Concrete steps, Gates, Fences, Steps, Concrete stairs, Wooden fences, Concrete products, Concrete tiles, Flower pots, Railings, Balustrades, Concrete poles, Step restoration, Step assembly, Concrete slabs, Fence installation, Fences and pillar, Concrete benches, Benches, Facade details, Columns, Concrete columns.
Gramzdas 90, Rīga, LV-1029
Konstro, LTD

Bitumen roofs, Tin parts, Ventilation outlets, Water drain systems, PVC windows, Roof coatings, roofer works, Tin products, Garden equipment, Snow blowers, snow blowers, Katepal, Vilpe, Milling cutters, motordrives, garden mills, lawn mowers, lawn mowers, grass mowers, saws, trimmers, riders, lawn tractors, water pumps, construction

Konstro, LTD
Bitumen roofs, Tin parts, Ventilation outlets, Water drain systems, PVC windows, Roof coatings, roofer works, Tin products, Garden equipment, Snow blowers, snow blowers, Katepal, Vilpe, Milling cutters, motordrives, garden mills, lawn mowers, lawn mowers, grass mowers, saws, trimmers, riders, lawn tractors, water pumps, construction
Rīgas 8, Talsi, Talsu nov., LV-3201
BK Inženieri, LTD

Building structure design, metal structure designing, reinforced concrete structure designing, building structure inspection, certified construction engineer, building constructor. Building structure estimation with computer programs.

BK Inženieri, LTD
Building structure design, metal structure designing, reinforced concrete structure designing, building structure inspection, certified construction engineer, building constructor. Building structure estimation with computer programs.
Ganību dambis 7A, Rīga, LV-1045
Domus angāri, LTD

Hangars, metal hangars, circular hangars, production, PVC hangars, assembly, leasing, concreting, repair works, welding, garages, metal garages, assembly, metal constructions, mini hangars, car service stations, interior works, insulated hangars, garages with decorative plaster, heated garages, uninsulated garages, mini hangars, an

Domus angāri, LTD
Hangars, metal hangars, circular hangars, production, PVC hangars, assembly, leasing, concreting, repair works, welding, garages, metal garages, assembly, metal constructions, mini hangars, car service stations, interior works, insulated hangars, garages with decorative plaster, heated garages, uninsulated garages, mini hangars, an
"Brīvmaņi", Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Betons un Dizains, LTD

production of dry concrete products, production of small architectural forms, concrete yard posts, concrete fencing, concrete steps, wooden shields, concrete products, trash bins, balustrade post, balustrades, concrete bollards caps, cover plates, landscaping yards, improve areas, benches, fence gates, pedestrian gate, fence repair.

Betons un Dizains, LTD
production of dry concrete products, production of small architectural forms, concrete yard posts, concrete fencing, concrete steps, wooden shields, concrete products, trash bins, balustrade post, balustrades, concrete bollards caps, cover plates, landscaping yards, improve areas, benches, fence gates, pedestrian gate, fence repair.
"Beikas", Vircavas pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3020
Kvarcīts, LTD

Grave stones, Tombstones, production( granite), installation, tombstone engraving, engraving of letters, sand spray engraving, portrait engraving, poem engraving, bronze articles( letters, crosses, flowers, etc.) Sketch creation, Tombstones with cross, Individual approach to each client, territory improvement, Garden sculptures, Stone

Kvarcīts, LTD
Grave stones, Tombstones, production( granite), installation, tombstone engraving, engraving of letters, sand spray engraving, portrait engraving, poem engraving, bronze articles( letters, crosses, flowers, etc.) Sketch creation, Tombstones with cross, Individual approach to each client, territory improvement, Garden sculptures, Stone
18. novembra 223, Daugavpils LV-5417
Smiltnieki, LTD

Well-curb, covering and other well element production, cobblestone, pavement slab, sidewalk and street curb, pavement, road curbs, well curbs, foundation blocks, feet, column tops, well curbs, concrete ring covering, foundations, cone, concrete ring cone, concrete production, reinforced concrete production, construction material

Smiltnieki, LTD
Well-curb, covering and other well element production, cobblestone, pavement slab, sidewalk and street curb, pavement, road curbs, well curbs, foundation blocks, feet, column tops, well curbs, concrete ring covering, foundations, cone, concrete ring cone, concrete production, reinforced concrete production, construction material
Tērvetes 85B, Jelgava, LV-3008
Ramkons, LTD

Ready mixed concrete, mortar, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete products, support, foundations, wells for telecommunications, foundation blocks, reinforced concrete curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, concrete ring basics, wells covers, hatches, manhole covers, covers, door and window box lintels, intermediate covering plane, PP10,

Ramkons, LTD
Ready mixed concrete, mortar, reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete products, support, foundations, wells for telecommunications, foundation blocks, reinforced concrete curbs, well curbs, drainage curbs, concrete ring basics, wells covers, hatches, manhole covers, covers, door and window box lintels, intermediate covering plane, PP10,
Mārkalnes 11 k-2, Rīga, LV-1024
Guno M, LTD

Accounting software, construction material production, veterinary, trade of zoo goods, accounting software sale, delivery of accounting software, implementation of accounting programs, service of accounting programs, accounting program consulting, concrete ring production, lining ring delivery.

Guno M, LTD
Accounting software, construction material production, veterinary, trade of zoo goods, accounting software sale, delivery of accounting software, implementation of accounting programs, service of accounting programs, accounting program consulting, concrete ring production, lining ring delivery.
Striķu 9, Saldus, Saldus nov., LV-3801
Igates betons, LTD

ready-mixed concrete, bulk cargo transportation, foundation block production, LEGO block production, production of ready-mixed concrete, concrete, where to buy concrete? concrete delivery, manufacture of prefabricated wall blocks, manufacture of concrete barriers.

Igates betons, LTD
ready-mixed concrete, bulk cargo transportation, foundation block production, LEGO block production, production of ready-mixed concrete, concrete, where to buy concrete? concrete delivery, manufacture of prefabricated wall blocks, manufacture of concrete barriers.
Aviācijas 18K, Jelgava, LV-3004
Betonblock, LTD

Concrete, concrete production in Daugavpils, ready-mixed concrete, sand, shivers, gravel, mixtures of sand crushed stone, concrete delivery in Daugavpils, In Latgale, concrete pumping, cement, cement sales, cement trade in Daugavpils, In Latgale, concrete trade in Daugavpils, In Latgale, sand sale, splinter trade, grant sale, concrete sales,

Betonblock, LTD
Concrete, concrete production in Daugavpils, ready-mixed concrete, sand, shivers, gravel, mixtures of sand crushed stone, concrete delivery in Daugavpils, In Latgale, concrete pumping, cement, cement sales, cement trade in Daugavpils, In Latgale, concrete trade in Daugavpils, In Latgale, sand sale, splinter trade, grant sale, concrete sales,
Siguldas 6D, Daugavpils, LV-5404
Dvilypis, UAB
Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement
Dvilypis, UAB
Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement
Tvoros, UAB
Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement
Tvoros, UAB
Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement
Kauno rentinys, UAB
Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement
Kauno rentinys, UAB
Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement
Aldaujana, A. Daujoto įmonė
Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement
Aldaujana, A. Daujoto įmonė
Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement