Manufacture of other builders' carpentry and joinery
Dadsons, Firm

Sale of timber materials. Glued wood( wood) articles, ( skirting boards, windows, profiled beams), particle( shingles) pellets, chip, briquettes, fuel. Lumber and their products. Building materials and their trade. Timber chemical treatment. Transport( transport) services. High pressure impregnation, planing, calibration, milling with

Dadsons, Firm
Sale of timber materials. Glued wood( wood) articles, ( skirting boards, windows, profiled beams), particle( shingles) pellets, chip, briquettes, fuel. Lumber and their products. Building materials and their trade. Timber chemical treatment. Transport( transport) services. High pressure impregnation, planing, calibration, milling with
Atpūtas 4, Rīga LV-1002
WoodHeart, LTD

Wooden windows, wooden-aluminum windows, wooden doors, wooden interior doors and exterior doors, wooden stairs, furniture, furniture manufacturing, furniture for cafes, bars, for shops, kitchen furniture, nursery furniture, furniture for living rooms, bedroom furniture, cabinets, sliding systems, built-in closets, furniture design,

WoodHeart, LTD
Wooden windows, wooden-aluminum windows, wooden doors, wooden interior doors and exterior doors, wooden stairs, furniture, furniture manufacturing, furniture for cafes, bars, for shops, kitchen furniture, nursery furniture, furniture for living rooms, bedroom furniture, cabinets, sliding systems, built-in closets, furniture design,
"Mildas", Kocēnu pagasts, Valmieras nov. LV-4220
Demiurg, LTD

Roofs, roof installation, Roof and wall profiles, wall assembly, roof installation, roof, roof coatings, roof manufacturer, roof materials, MONTERREY, Z profile, HAT profile, C profile, Ruukki roof coverings, rain water drainage systems, tin products, tin article manufacture, snow barriers, external window sills, gables, roof ridges,

Demiurg, LTD
Roofs, roof installation, Roof and wall profiles, wall assembly, roof installation, roof, roof coatings, roof manufacturer, roof materials, MONTERREY, Z profile, HAT profile, C profile, Ruukki roof coverings, rain water drainage systems, tin products, tin article manufacture, snow barriers, external window sills, gables, roof ridges,
Rankas 2A, Rīga, LV-1005
Dizaina galdi, LTD

Furniture designer, design, design creation, designer services, furniture, interior design. Solid wood tables, design benches, furniture production, furniture made of solid wood, furniture production in Kurzeme, furniture in Liepaja, In Latvia, furniture, beautiful tables, table manufacturing, cabinet furniture upon order, bureau

Dizaina galdi, LTD
Furniture designer, design, design creation, designer services, furniture, interior design. Solid wood tables, design benches, furniture production, furniture made of solid wood, furniture production in Kurzeme, furniture in Liepaja, In Latvia, furniture, beautiful tables, table manufacturing, cabinet furniture upon order, bureau
Krišjāņa Valdemāra 51, Liepāja LV-3401
GM Ozols, LTD

Sawn timber, production of sawn boards, uncut boards dry 8%, non-sawn boards for joinery, unedged oak, ash, black alder boards, carpentry boards, sausi neapzāģēti dēļi, sale of timber materials, sawn wood panels, glued wood plates, roundwood buying oak, ash, black alder, buy logs oak, ash, black alder.

GM Ozols, LTD
Sawn timber, production of sawn boards, uncut boards dry 8%, non-sawn boards for joinery, unedged oak, ash, black alder boards, carpentry boards, sausi neapzāģēti dēļi, sale of timber materials, sawn wood panels, glued wood plates, roundwood buying oak, ash, black alder, buy logs oak, ash, black alder.
Rāmuļu 8, Rīga, LV-1005
GS Furnitūra, LTD

Metal processing, metal articles, furniture made of metal, metal scaffolding, metal fences, metal fence, metal gates, gates of metal, grills, grill, metal firewood holders, metal stairs, metal railings, metal shelves, metal table legs, sheds, metal canopy, garage gates, metal garage doors, custom-made metal articles, custom metal products,

GS Furnitūra, LTD
Metal processing, metal articles, furniture made of metal, metal scaffolding, metal fences, metal fence, metal gates, gates of metal, grills, grill, metal firewood holders, metal stairs, metal railings, metal shelves, metal table legs, sheds, metal canopy, garage gates, metal garage doors, custom-made metal articles, custom metal products,
Ganību 195 - 205, Liepāja, LV-3407

PVC windows, PVC doors, REHAU windows, Cheap windows, Window manufacturers, Window profiles, Windows and doors, Sliding patio door price, double-glazed windows, energy-efficient windows, PVC sliding doors, PVC window profiles, plastic windows, vitrum windows, window production, window production.

PVC windows, PVC doors, REHAU windows, Cheap windows, Window manufacturers, Window profiles, Windows and doors, Sliding patio door price, double-glazed windows, energy-efficient windows, PVC sliding doors, PVC window profiles, plastic windows, vitrum windows, window production, window production.
Daugavgrīvas 83 -, Rīga, LV-1007

round log houses, construction of log house frames, log bathhouses, construction of summer houses, garden furniture, furniture made of solid wood, handmade log cabins, log building houses, log bathhouses, log gazebos, individual constructions from round wood, round timber structures, delivery of log buildings.

round log houses, construction of log house frames, log bathhouses, construction of summer houses, garden furniture, furniture made of solid wood, handmade log cabins, log building houses, log bathhouses, log gazebos, individual constructions from round wood, round timber structures, delivery of log buildings.
"Ainava", Babri, Aizkalnes pagasts, Preiļu nov., LV-5305
Eko nams, LTD

log building, wooden house, log buildings, home construction, home project, home projects, loghouse, loghome, woodhouse, timberhome, woodinterior, blockhouse, holzhaus, tø; mmerhytter, tø; mmerhytte, timber houses, hut, hus, log cabin, puma house, hunting lodges, trendhytte, dry; mmehus, laftehytte, laftehytta, quality, trehus, cabin,

Eko nams, LTD
log building, wooden house, log buildings, home construction, home project, home projects, loghouse, loghome, woodhouse, timberhome, woodinterior, blockhouse, holzhaus, tø; mmerhytter, tø; mmerhytte, timber houses, hut, hus, log cabin, puma house, hunting lodges, trendhytte, dry; mmehus, laftehytte, laftehytta, quality, trehus, cabin,
Celtniecības 26, Līvāni, Līvānu nov., LV-5316
Skārdnieks M, LTD

Skārdnieks M, tinsmith Cesis, tinsmith Valmiera, tinsmith Sigulda, tinsmith Smiltene, tinsmith in Vidzeme, tinsmith services, rainwater systems Cesis, rainwater systems Sigulda, rainwater systems Smiltene, rainwater systems Valmiera, roof elements Cesis, roof elements Smiltene, Vidzeme, flues Cesis, ventilation systems Cesis, Tin

Skārdnieks M, LTD
Skārdnieks M, tinsmith Cesis, tinsmith Valmiera, tinsmith Sigulda, tinsmith Smiltene, tinsmith in Vidzeme, tinsmith services, rainwater systems Cesis, rainwater systems Sigulda, rainwater systems Smiltene, rainwater systems Valmiera, roof elements Cesis, roof elements Smiltene, Vidzeme, flues Cesis, ventilation systems Cesis, Tin
Izmēģinātāju 1A, Priekuļi, Priekuļu pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4126
Timberlat, LTD

Wood processing company in Latvia. Production of wooden roof trusses, designing, installation. Wooden summer houses, garages, sheds, baths. Beams. Construction material, manufacturer of wooden constructions. Joiner's works. Installation of the roof structure. Roof installation works. Roof installation, production Riga.

Timberlat, LTD
Wood processing company in Latvia. Production of wooden roof trusses, designing, installation. Wooden summer houses, garages, sheds, baths. Beams. Construction material, manufacturer of wooden constructions. Joiner's works. Installation of the roof structure. Roof installation works. Roof installation, production Riga.
Bebru 5, Brīvkalni, Babītes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2107
Smart Eco Tiny, LTD

Mobile homes, Mobile homes Tiny house, pet house, pet houses, ecological and self-sufficient houses, Tiny house for living, For tiny house business, A house for your pet, house for the dog, house for cat, Smart Eco Tiny pet houses, Smart Eco Tiny, CNC milling, laser engraving services.

Smart Eco Tiny, LTD
Mobile homes, Mobile homes Tiny house, pet house, pet houses, ecological and self-sufficient houses, Tiny house for living, For tiny house business, A house for your pet, house for the dog, house for cat, Smart Eco Tiny pet houses, Smart Eco Tiny, CNC milling, laser engraving services.
Hospitāļu 31 - 11, Rīga, LV-1013
Engels Hus, LTD

Log buildings, Log building houses. Log bathhouses, Log building production, Engels Hus, Limbazi, log buildings, norwegian type log buildings, log production, log building. Wood-frame buildings, panel house manufacturing, wooden frame houses. Log houses in Limbaži. Log houses in Sigulda. Log houses in Cesis. Log buildings in Valmiera, log cabins

Engels Hus, LTD
Log buildings, Log building houses. Log bathhouses, Log building production, Engels Hus, Limbazi, log buildings, norwegian type log buildings, log production, log building. Wood-frame buildings, panel house manufacturing, wooden frame houses. Log houses in Limbaži. Log houses in Sigulda. Log houses in Cesis. Log buildings in Valmiera, log cabins
Meliorācijas 9, Limbaži, Limbažu nov. LV-4001
Baltveide, LTD

Furniture, furniture manufacturing, office furniture, furniture for living rooms, for restaurants, bars, stores upon individual projects, wooden windows, wooden windows production, europrofile wooden glazed windows, wooden windows, pine, oak, mahogany, ash wood windows, doors, door production, europrofile solid wood entrance doors, all

Baltveide, LTD
Furniture, furniture manufacturing, office furniture, furniture for living rooms, for restaurants, bars, stores upon individual projects, wooden windows, wooden windows production, europrofile wooden glazed windows, wooden windows, pine, oak, mahogany, ash wood windows, doors, door production, europrofile solid wood entrance doors, all
Dzirnieku 16, Mārupe, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Black Burner, LTD

skirting boards, interior elements, camping cabins, wooden house construction, construction of wooden modular houses, construction, wooden houses, construction of modular houses, wooden houses, wooden module homes, modular homes, burnt finishes, wooden house construction, saunas, baths, finishing boards, burnt boards, wooden doors

Black Burner, LTD
skirting boards, interior elements, camping cabins, wooden house construction, construction of wooden modular houses, construction, wooden houses, construction of modular houses, wooden houses, wooden module homes, modular homes, burnt finishes, wooden house construction, saunas, baths, finishing boards, burnt boards, wooden doors
Kauguru 19, Valmiera, Valmieras nov., LV-4201
Eko Kāpnes, LTD

Solid wood stairs from ash and oak, Wooden stairs made in Latvia, stairs, Design of stairs and steps, manufacturing and installation, varnishing, tinting, assembly, Transport services, delivery, Exclusive, modern open, straight, scandinavian style, classic wooden stairs, steps, Metal elements, Stairs with milled posts and rails, Spiral stairs,

Eko Kāpnes, LTD
Solid wood stairs from ash and oak, Wooden stairs made in Latvia, stairs, Design of stairs and steps, manufacturing and installation, varnishing, tinting, assembly, Transport services, delivery, Exclusive, modern open, straight, scandinavian style, classic wooden stairs, steps, Metal elements, Stairs with milled posts and rails, Spiral stairs,
Vaiņodes 22 - 64, Rīga, LV-1058
Freiga, LTD

Furniture, furniture on the Internet, custom-made furniture, furniture in Riga, furniture for children's rooms, furniture for office, furniture for nursery, garden furniture, wardrobe, built-in closets, cabinets, night tables, chest of drawers, oak wardrobe, furniture for dining room, dining tables, tables, comfortable furniture, furniture

Freiga, LTD
Furniture, furniture on the Internet, custom-made furniture, furniture in Riga, furniture for children's rooms, furniture for office, furniture for nursery, garden furniture, wardrobe, built-in closets, cabinets, night tables, chest of drawers, oak wardrobe, furniture for dining room, dining tables, tables, comfortable furniture, furniture
Kuldīgas 12, Aizpute, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3456
Galdniecība A, LTD

Stairs in Rezekne, stairs in Latgale, Doors in Rezekne, In Latgale, Wooden windows, wooden doors, wooden stairs, furniture, stairs wood, laminate furniture, kitchens, office, bureau furniture, children's, school, corridor facilities, tables, beds, cabinets, nightstands, door frames, skirting board production, delivery, installation.

Galdniecība A, LTD
Stairs in Rezekne, stairs in Latgale, Doors in Rezekne, In Latgale, Wooden windows, wooden doors, wooden stairs, furniture, stairs wood, laminate furniture, kitchens, office, bureau furniture, children's, school, corridor facilities, tables, beds, cabinets, nightstands, door frames, skirting board production, delivery, installation.
Kalnu 2 - 3, Preiļi, Preiļu nov., LV-5301
ROOT Carpentry, LTD

Root carpentry, bath-house, baths, wooden sauna, wooden bathhouses, wooden sauna, muddy bath, barrel-type baths, frame sauna, frame saunas, traditional wooden sauna, quality sauna, bath-house construction, to Build a Sauna, to build a bathhouse, to build a bathhouse, to build a bathhouse, bathhouse construction, outdoor sauna construction,

ROOT Carpentry, LTD
Root carpentry, bath-house, baths, wooden sauna, wooden bathhouses, wooden sauna, muddy bath, barrel-type baths, frame sauna, frame saunas, traditional wooden sauna, quality sauna, bath-house construction, to Build a Sauna, to build a bathhouse, to build a bathhouse, to build a bathhouse, bathhouse construction, outdoor sauna construction,
"Plēsumi", Valgundes pagasts, Jelgavas nov., LV-3017
Līva AB Nord, LTD, Production of certified doors

Doors in Kuffner aluminum frames. Doors, X-ray office doors. Certified doors, veneered doors, glass walls, glass partitions, fireproof wooden doors. Certified security doors. Anti-burglary door - WK3 security class. Interior doors, exterior doors. Sliding doors, sliding systems. Glass walls. Glass partitions. Door custom-manufacture. ES door

Līva AB Nord, LTD, Production of certified doors
Doors in Kuffner aluminum frames. Doors, X-ray office doors. Certified doors, veneered doors, glass walls, glass partitions, fireproof wooden doors. Certified security doors. Anti-burglary door - WK3 security class. Interior doors, exterior doors. Sliding doors, sliding systems. Glass walls. Glass partitions. Door custom-manufacture. ES door
"Lagatas L", Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov., LV-2167
Kokdari, LTD

Wooden doors, wooden stairs, wooden windows, kitchen furniture, built-in closets, furniture, furniture restoration, joinery services, carpentry in Limbazi, custom-made carpentry services, custom-production of furniture, custom-made furniture, cabinet furniture to order, custom furniture-making, living room furniture to order, joinery

Kokdari, LTD
Wooden doors, wooden stairs, wooden windows, kitchen furniture, built-in closets, furniture, furniture restoration, joinery services, carpentry in Limbazi, custom-made carpentry services, custom-production of furniture, custom-made furniture, cabinet furniture to order, custom furniture-making, living room furniture to order, joinery
Jaunā 12 - 12, Limbaži, Limbažu nov., LV-4001
Atjauno, LTD

Restores, joinery, restoration, restoration. Window production, window restoration, windows and doors, door restoration, wooden door manufacturing, installation, installation. We manufacture and restore windows, doors, stairs, interior items and other furniture. We perform work surveying, assembly. Wooden doors, windows, stairs,

Atjauno, LTD
Restores, joinery, restoration, restoration. Window production, window restoration, windows and doors, door restoration, wooden door manufacturing, installation, installation. We manufacture and restore windows, doors, stairs, interior items and other furniture. We perform work surveying, assembly. Wooden doors, windows, stairs,
Sakas 4, Pāvilosta, Dienvidkurzemes nov. LV-3466

CNCArt, furniture manufacturing, furniture production, furniture on individual order, kitchen furniture, bathroom furniture, built-in closets, doors, stairs, engraving, milling, CNC, joinery, joiner, carpenter services, office furniture, children furniture, joinery services, bedroom furniture, interior doors, exterior doors, wooden

CNCArt, furniture manufacturing, furniture production, furniture on individual order, kitchen furniture, bathroom furniture, built-in closets, doors, stairs, engraving, milling, CNC, joinery, joiner, carpenter services, office furniture, children furniture, joinery services, bedroom furniture, interior doors, exterior doors, wooden
Flotes 16, Liepāja, LV-3405

metal roof coverings, tin roof coverings, tiled metal profiles, trapezoidal metal roofs, roofs, tin roofs, water drain systems, roof safety barriers, roof coatings, roofer works, roof decking, tinsmith works, metal articles, non-standard metal products, metal roofs, roof coatings, production of tin roofs, roof covering decking, roof barriers.

metal roof coverings, tin roof coverings, tiled metal profiles, trapezoidal metal roofs, roofs, tin roofs, water drain systems, roof safety barriers, roof coatings, roofer works, roof decking, tinsmith works, metal articles, non-standard metal products, metal roofs, roof coatings, production of tin roofs, roof covering decking, roof barriers.
Altonavas 5 - 10, Rīga, LV-1004
Niko & Co, LTD

Wooden windows, wooden doors, upon request, for different sizes, furniture production, wooden furniture, In Latvia manufactured furniture, hand work, wooden stairs, stairs, climb stairs, design products, doors, timber, sale of timber materials, wooden doors, outside doors, interior doors, custom-production of furniture, sketches, furniture

Niko & Co, LTD
Wooden windows, wooden doors, upon request, for different sizes, furniture production, wooden furniture, In Latvia manufactured furniture, hand work, wooden stairs, stairs, climb stairs, design products, doors, timber, sale of timber materials, wooden doors, outside doors, interior doors, custom-production of furniture, sketches, furniture
Egļu 10, Grobiņa, Dienvidkurzemes nov. LV-3430