Restaurant activities
Šiaulių dujotiekio komercija, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Šiaulių dujotiekio komercija, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Kafenhauz, kavinė, UAB Žaliasis žiogas
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Kafenhauz, kavinė, UAB Žaliasis žiogas
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Ukmergės g. 3, 35183 Panevėžys
Karčema, alaus baras, V. Jokantienės IĮ Vigra
cafe, cafe in Pakruojis, cafes, plat du jour, hall rental, food delivery, funeral dinner
Karčema, alaus baras, V. Jokantienės IĮ Vigra
cafe, cafe in Pakruojis, cafes, plat du jour, hall rental, food delivery, funeral dinner
Dariaus ir Girėno g. 44, 83155 Pakruojis
Origama, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Origama, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Birštono seklytėlė, restoranas, UAB
banquets, receptions, parties, wedding, christening, anniversaries, accommodation services, accommodation, nutrition, recreational boat, travels by ship, bed
Birštono seklytėlė, restoranas, UAB
banquets, receptions, parties, wedding, christening, anniversaries, accommodation services, accommodation, nutrition, recreational boat, travels by ship, bed
Dzūkija, UAB
Manufacture of rusks and biscuits; manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes
Dzūkija, UAB
Manufacture of rusks and biscuits; manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakes
Prekybos namai, V. Kavolio komercinė firma
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Prekybos namai, V. Kavolio komercinė firma
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
HBH Palanga, UAB Žibosa
kvass, cafe, hotel, brewery, paintball, park of sculptures, recreation for the whole family, active recreation, sculptures, parks, bikes/bicycles, basketball, Palanga, Žibininkai, restaurant, bars, wedding, mini zoo, zoo garden, decorative birds, bagi, Souvenirs, homemade bread, kvass, active sport, restaurant, draft beer, organization of
HBH Palanga, UAB Žibosa
kvass, cafe, hotel, brewery, paintball, park of sculptures, recreation for the whole family, active recreation, sculptures, parks, bikes/bicycles, basketball, Palanga, Žibininkai, restaurant, bars, wedding, mini zoo, zoo garden, decorative birds, bagi, Souvenirs, homemade bread, kvass, active sport, restaurant, draft beer, organization of
Amberton Klaipėda, viešbutis
Operation of sports facilities
Amberton Klaipėda, viešbutis
Operation of sports facilities
Bistro, kavinė, UAB Krido
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Bistro, kavinė, UAB Krido
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Liūtomera, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Liūtomera, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Bistro, kavinė, UAB Krido
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Bistro, kavinė, UAB Krido
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Bistro, kavinė, UAB Krido
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Bistro, kavinė, UAB Krido
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Ararat, apartamentų viešbutis, UAB Airarat
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Ararat, apartamentų viešbutis, UAB Airarat
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Pegasas, baras-naktinis klubas, UAB Avicula
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Pegasas, baras-naktinis klubas, UAB Avicula
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Žydinčioji magnolija, UAB
Other food service activities
Žydinčioji magnolija, UAB
Other food service activities
Kaišiadorių vartotojų kooperatyvas
eatables, funeral dinner, office goods, rent of premises
Kaišiadorių vartotojų kooperatyvas
eatables, funeral dinner, office goods, rent of premises
Vytauto Didžiojo g. 114, 56111 Kaišiadorys
Vaigeta, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Vaigeta, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Viralda, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Viralda, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Amberton, viešbutis
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
Amberton, viešbutis
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
Srovė, A. Abraičio įmonė
Production of meat and poultry meat products
Srovė, A. Abraičio įmonė
Production of meat and poultry meat products
Darola, UAB
internet cafe, hotel, conference center, bar,
Darola, UAB
internet cafe, hotel, conference center, bar,
Handelshus, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities
Handelshus, UAB
Restaurants and mobile food service activities