Retail sale of beverages
Irīss pluss, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Irīss pluss, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Enerģētiķu 4A, Salaspils, Salaspils nov., LV-2121
Jūrmalas RB, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Jūrmalas RB, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Lapmežciems, Talsu šoseja, Lapmežciema pagasts, Tukuma nov. LV-3118
Krustceles 1, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Krustceles 1, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Krustceles", Mārsnēni, Mārsnēnu pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4129
Kuldīgas rumba, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Kuldīgas rumba, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Virkas 15, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3301
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Krejotava", Druviena, Druvienas pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4426
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Spīdolas 9, Aizkraukle, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5101
La Rifs, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
La Rifs, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Augšlīgatne, Stacijas 6, Līgatnes pagasts, Cēsu nov. LV-4108
Liepu aleja, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Liepu aleja, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Vaiņodes 9, Priekule, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3434
Līgo-II, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Līgo-II, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Krišjāņi, Jaunatnes 3, Krišjāņu pagasts, Balvu nov., LV-4574
MV orhideja, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
MV orhideja, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Līči , Stopiņu pagasts, Ropažu nov. LV-2118
Marina & Ko, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Marina & Ko, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Ozolciema 32 k-1-103, Rīga LV-1058
Mazā artava, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Mazā artava, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Tīnūžu 16, Rīga, LV-1021
Merkurss AT, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Merkurss AT, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Matīsa 111, Rīga LV-1009
Mezgls AM, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Mezgls AM, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Zvejniekciems, Ainažu 122, Saulkrastu pagasts, Saulkrastu nov. LV-2161
Pie Dzintara, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pie Dzintara, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Vītoli", Lapmežciems, Lapmežciema pagasts, Tukuma nov., LV-3118
Pie Kļavām, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pie Kļavām, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Krejotava", Druviena, Druvienas pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4426
Pirkuma Prieks, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pirkuma Prieks, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Bērzupes 13, Rīga, LV-1004
Ra-Ba, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Ra-Ba, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Krustpils 117, Rīga LV-1057
Reinfelds A, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Reinfelds A, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Atmodas bulvāris 8D, Liepāja, LV-3414
Rēbuss ISI, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Rēbuss ISI, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Gavieze , Gaviezes pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3431
Rīts A.I., LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Rīts A.I., LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Stacijas 2, Valmiera, Valmieras nov. LV-4201
Rīts-AE, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Rīts-AE, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Dimanti", Bērzi, Īslīces pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3914
Rūtas LB, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Rūtas LB, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Bērzpils, Dārza 25, Bērzpils pagasts, Balvu nov. LV-4576
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Miera 66-1a, Daugavpils, LV-5404
Saime BJ, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Saime BJ, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Skujenes ēdnīca", Skujene, Skujenes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4143