Retail sale of beverages
Windmill, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Windmill, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Rīgas 23, Baloži, Ķekavas nov. LV-2112
Ziedugravas, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Ziedugravas, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Ziedugravas 1", Naudīte, Naudītes pagasts, Dobeles nov. LV-3724
Žanvars, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Žanvars, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Salaspils 12A, Rīga, LV-1057
Kalmes, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Kalmes, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Liepari , Lazdukalna pagasts, Balvu nov., LV-4577
Riekstiņi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Riekstiņi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Riekstiņi", Jaungulbenes pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4420
Sapnis, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Sapnis, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Vienības 91, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov. LV-5601
Tiltiņš, Sole proprietorship
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Tiltiņš, Sole proprietorship
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Tīruma 7, Salacgrīva, Limbažu nov. LV-4033
Beātus, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Beātus, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Jāņa Poruka 23, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Vienības 72B, Kārsava, Ludzas nov. LV-5717
Dekšņi, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Dekšņi, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Lauku, Tukums, Tukuma nov. LV-3101
Dukāts, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Dukāts, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Baznīcas 12/14, Jūrmala, LV-2015
Jāņezers, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Jāņezers, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Daugmale , Daugmales pagasts, Ķekavas nov., LV-2124
Kolkasrags, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Kolkasrags, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Brigas", Kolka, Kolkas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3275
Masmeg, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Masmeg, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Īslīces 7, Rīga, LV-1058
Nodus, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Nodus, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Piebalgas 85", Vaives pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4136
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Brīvības 55, Stende, Talsu nov. LV-3257
Aiga Plus, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Aiga Plus, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Tērvetes 70, Jelgava, LV-3008
Avotiņš LC, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Avotiņš LC, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Jūras 12, Aloja, Limbažu nov., LV-4064
Bēnes PB, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Bēnes PB, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Bēne, Stacijas 9, Bēnes pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3711
Dimanti 2, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Dimanti 2, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Gramzda, Nākotnes 3, Gramzdas pagasts, Dienvidkurzemes nov., LV-3486
Dobeles PB, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Dobeles PB, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Uzvaras 3A, Dobele, Dobeles nov. LV-3701
Džerri Li, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Džerri Li, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Durbes 40, Ventspils, LV-3601
Erita ST, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Erita ST, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Ziediņi 1", Jāņupe, Olaines pagasts, Olaines nov., LV-2127
GB Alianse, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
GB Alianse, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Augšlīgatne, Sporta 5, Līgatnes pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4108
GS-Markets, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
GS-Markets, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pilsrundāle , Rundāles pagasts, Bauskas nov. LV-3921