Stock Market in Lithuania

Stock Market in Lithuania

Shares of the largest number of companies – 33 companies – were traded on the stock market of Lithuania.

* On the stock market of Lithuania there has increased the number of such companies as qualified for the Main List: 18 companies in 2012.
* In 2006 on the stock market of Lithuania a historically largest turnover and capitalization have been reached –1,6 billion EUR and 7,7 billion EUR respectively.
* The public share market in Lithuania was mostly furthered by the process of privatization of the state-owned companies, which started in 1991. From the very beginning, the National Stock Exchange of Lithuania established in 1992, was marked by the large number of listed companies. If in 1993 the number of companies was 13, then in 1994 there were already 115 listed companies traded on both lists. However later the amount of companies has gradually decreased almost by a half.
* Although the larger portion of companies entered the stock market due to the privatization, however during the period of 18 years there were also several companies owned by private shareholders, who used the platform for the capital raising.
* Since 1993 up till now shares in one company – manufacturer and supplier of linen products Linas AB have been quoted on the exchange of Lithuania.
* In 2011 it was exactly the stock market of Lithuania, on which the first new issuer of this year – a power distribution network operator LESTO – appeared. Till the end of 2011 shares quotation began also for AB Lietuvos energy shares, but stock quotation was stopped for two companies: Rytu skirstomieji tinklai and Bankas Snoras (this bank activities were discontinued).

Facts for 2011

* Total capitalization of the companies listed on the stock market of Vilnius was 3,14 billion EUR by the end of the year, being by 25,6% less than by the end of 2010, however as compared with the pre-crisis period – end of 2007, by 54% less.
* In 2011 a total of 147 511 transactions (-31,7% y-o-y) were handled on the exchange in Vilnius, in which there were traded
a total of 297,6 million shares of value 176,04 million euros (-21,3%).
* The largest – 33,35 million EUR turnover was showed by pharmaceutical company Sanitas quoted on the Main List.
* Most of transactions (20 012) were handled with shares in Ukio Bankas.
* Contrary to 2010, when share prices of most of the companies experienced a rise, in 2011 company’s share prices decreased, among them the largest share price decline experienced in the Baltic Second List quoted alcoholic beverage manufacturer ALITA – by 62,2%, but in the second list quoted shipping company Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė share price declined by 56,1%.
* In total only five company’s share prices rose, among them the highest price growth was 95,9% – this growth experienced in the second list quoted refrigerator manfacturer Snaige shares. In its turn, 63,8% increase experienced pharmaceutical company Sanitas share prices.

Useful links
Stock Exchange –
Financial and Capital Market Commission –
The Securities Commission of the Republic of Lithuania –
Financial Supervision Authority –
Securities Register –

Photo: Stock.XCHNG

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