Lithuanian stock market

Lithuanian stock market

* Of the Baltic stock exchanges, the Lithuanian Stock Exchange had the largest number of companies listed in 2016.

* Half of the companies listed at OMX Vilnius Exchange in 2016 qualified for inclusion on the Official list, while the other half were included on the Baltic Second list.

* The Lithuanian Stock Exchange recorded its largest turnover and capitalization in 2006 – EUR 1.6 billion and EUR 7.7 billion respectively.

* The development of Lithuania’s public share market was facilitated by the national privatization process, which began in 1991 after the country regained independence. The number of companies listed at the Lithuanian Stock Exchange has been high ever since the stock exchange was founded in 1992. Back in 1993, the stock exchange had thirteen registered companies, whereas in 1994, already 115 companies had their shares on two stock exchange lists. However, this number gradually began to shrink in later years. 
* Even though many companies were initially listed on the stock exchange due to the privatization process, there have been many companies owned by private shareholders over the past 20 years who have listed their shares at the stock exchange in order to attract additional capital. 
* Shares of one company – linen textiles producer Linas AB – have been traded at the Lithuanian Stock Exchange since 1993 and up to the present time.
* In 2013, a new company – Amber Grid – was included on the NASDAQ OMX’s Baltic market. This company was detached from Lietuvos Dujos and has been listed on the Second list. The company has performed well since then. 

Facts 2016

* In 2016, the Lithuanian bank Šiauliu bankas posted the largest share turnover of Lithuanian companies listed on the Official list – EUR 23.12 million. Šauliu Bankas also had the most trades in shares – 13,255, followed by Lithuanian telecommunications company Telia Lietuva – 4,160.
* There was a reduction in the share price of some companies in 2016. The largest price plunge was recorded by two companies – refrigerator producer Snaige (-15.28%) and information technology investment company INVL Technology (-12.44%).
* Meanwhile, the largest increase in share price (by 100%) was posted by the textiles producer Utenos trikotažas, followed by Šiauliu bankas – by 80.81%.

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