Processing and finishing of wood
Mālpils Timber, LTD

garden houses, gazebos, sheds, wooden outbuildings, timber, timber supply, supply of timber for home garden equipment, pallets, wooden pallets, packing boards, wooden sleepers, beams, semi-bruised, wooden stakes, fence boards, wooden garages, spicētie mieti, roof laths, skirting boards, scaffold boards, bursa with millings, planed boards,

Mālpils Timber, LTD
garden houses, gazebos, sheds, wooden outbuildings, timber, timber supply, supply of timber for home garden equipment, pallets, wooden pallets, packing boards, wooden sleepers, beams, semi-bruised, wooden stakes, fence boards, wooden garages, spicētie mieti, roof laths, skirting boards, scaffold boards, bursa with millings, planed boards,
Ķiršu 16, Mālpils, Mālpils pagasts, Siguldas nov., LV-2152
Okrašinskis un Beķeris, LTD

Sawn timber, finishing boards, ( vagonka) floor boards, Planing, trade, timber purchase. Boards, laths, timber, sale of timber materials. Cesis, Priekuļi, Rauna, Pārgauja, Straupe, Plācis, Valmiera. Spruce, pine, coniferous materials.

Okrašinskis un Beķeris, LTD
Sawn timber, finishing boards, ( vagonka) floor boards, Planing, trade, timber purchase. Boards, laths, timber, sale of timber materials. Cesis, Priekuļi, Rauna, Pārgauja, Straupe, Plācis, Valmiera. Spruce, pine, coniferous materials.
Palmu 5A, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Lidums, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Lidums, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
"Kokzāģētava Līdumi", Uzvaras Līdums, Olaines pagasts, Olaines nov., LV-2127
Lawsare, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Lawsare, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Ganību dambis 31, Rīga LV-1005
Vaiti, Farm
Processing and finishing of wood
Vaiti, Farm
Processing and finishing of wood
"Vaiti", Vītiņu pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3708
Laimdotas, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Laimdotas, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
"Laimdotas", Deksne, Padures pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3321
Norte, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Norte, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
"Norte", Prauliena, Praulienas pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4825
Fenikss AV, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Fenikss AV, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
"Zaķumuižas katlu māja", Zaķumuiža, Ropažu pagasts, Ropažu nov., LV-2133
Draugu dārzs, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Draugu dārzs, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Audēju 30, Staicele, Limbažu nov. LV-4043
Kopā siltāk, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Kopā siltāk, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Zirgu 47, Jelgava, LV-3001
Resa Treatment Limited, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Resa Treatment Limited, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Uriekstes 2B, Rīga, LV-1005
Hornbaek Baltic, JSC
Processing and finishing of wood
Hornbaek Baltic, JSC
Processing and finishing of wood
Muižas 3, Ādaži, Ādažu nov., LV-2164
Jauda-koks, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Jauda-koks, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
"Jauda koks", Suntaži, Suntažu pagasts, Ogres nov., LV-5060
Kokpārstrāde 98, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Kokpārstrāde 98, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
"Dižkoki", Allaži, Allažu pagasts, Siguldas nov., LV-2154
Austrumu koku eksports, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Austrumu koku eksports, LTD
Processing and finishing of wood
Ezera 22, Rīga, LV-1034
BBidea, LTD
Exterior trim boards, australia) Asia, terrace materials, finishing boards, boards, terrace boards, timber lubrication, timber waxing, timber tinting, timber material processing, timber, wooden facade painting, timber industrial painting, priming, varnishing, protective product coating, timber material processing, wood processing.
BBidea, LTD
Exterior trim boards, australia) Asia, terrace materials, finishing boards, boards, terrace boards, timber lubrication, timber waxing, timber tinting, timber material processing, timber, wooden facade painting, timber industrial painting, priming, varnishing, protective product coating, timber material processing, wood processing.
"Veras", Krogsils, Ķekavas pagasts, Ķekavas nov., LV-2111
Amrams, LTD
woodworking, timber, wood processing, buy sawlogs, timber, lumber mill service, saw-frame, saw mill, sawmill, sawn timber, sale of timber materials, finishing boards, orders, delivery, buy sawlogs, coniferous trees, planing works, finishing boards, boards, beams, sawing to order, cutting services, kitchen surfaces, planing
Amrams, LTD
woodworking, timber, wood processing, buy sawlogs, timber, lumber mill service, saw-frame, saw mill, sawmill, sawn timber, sale of timber materials, finishing boards, orders, delivery, buy sawlogs, coniferous trees, planing works, finishing boards, boards, beams, sawing to order, cutting services, kitchen surfaces, planing
"Alkšbirzes", Kārļmuiža, Dundagas pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3270
Wood processing company in Latvia, Timber production to order, Sawn timber, Timber, Wooden boards, Joinery, Saw-frame, Bath-house, Garden houses, house, house, Wooden fences, Cottages, houses, Sheds, Roofs, Structures, Construction, construction, Pine, Fir, Lime-tree, Birch, Aspen, Black alder, Gray alder, Oak, Production of sauna finishing
Wood processing company in Latvia, Timber production to order, Sawn timber, Timber, Wooden boards, Joinery, Saw-frame, Bath-house, Garden houses, house, house, Wooden fences, Cottages, houses, Sheds, Roofs, Structures, Construction, construction, Pine, Fir, Lime-tree, Birch, Aspen, Black alder, Gray alder, Oak, Production of sauna finishing
"Kramiņi", Valles pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-5106
Sawn timber, timber, boards, terrace, terrace boards, calibrated boards, construction material, beams, glued panels, PATA, PATA TIMBER, timber stores, planed boards, fence boards, home construction, wooden houses, floor boards, ash firewood, birch wood, thermal terrace boards, bath-house boards, sweating shelf boards, finishing for the
Sawn timber, timber, boards, terrace, terrace boards, calibrated boards, construction material, beams, glued panels, PATA, PATA TIMBER, timber stores, planed boards, fence boards, home construction, wooden houses, floor boards, ash firewood, birch wood, thermal terrace boards, bath-house boards, sweating shelf boards, finishing for the
Vienības gatve 87D, Rīga, LV-1004
MKM mežs, LTD
Logging, logging services, forest cutting, sawing and cutting services, sawers, haulage services, timber haulers, forwarder services, purchase of forest property, forest purchase, buying of felling sites, purchase of felling areas, we buy logs by the road, tractor services, Sale of timber materials, timber, construction materials, beams,
MKM mežs, LTD
Logging, logging services, forest cutting, sawing and cutting services, sawers, haulage services, timber haulers, forwarder services, purchase of forest property, forest purchase, buying of felling sites, purchase of felling areas, we buy logs by the road, tractor services, Sale of timber materials, timber, construction materials, beams,
"Dukātu darbnīcas", Padure, Padures pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3321
Pirmā akmens studija, LTD
Stone part trade, stone part assembly, building facade cladding with granite, building facade cladding with granite, garden fountain production, fountain production, fountains, fountain installation, fireplace production, fireplace installation, kitchen surface making, kitchen surface installation, surface, tabletop production,
Pirmā akmens studija, LTD
Stone part trade, stone part assembly, building facade cladding with granite, building facade cladding with granite, garden fountain production, fountain production, fountains, fountain installation, fireplace production, fireplace installation, kitchen surface making, kitchen surface installation, surface, tabletop production,
Jaunciema gatve 233, Rīga, LV-1023