How can a virtual tour improve a website's SEO?

How can a virtual tour improve a website's SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of various actions that ensure a website is as popular as possible in search engines such as Google, thereby increasing the site's ranking and visibility among competitors. A virtual tour is a 360-degree, three-dimensional virtual copy of a room that allows users to interact on their screen, providing a complete picture of the room or object. The virtual tour is easily integrated into a website and social media tools, requiring only a smart device and internet connection.

Surprisingly, virtual tours significantly improve a website's SEO. In this article, we will discuss how.

Site content

Google values quality content, particularly new and educational information. To improve a site's SEO, it's necessary to create content that keeps visitors interacting with the site for as long as possible. Google algorithms calculate parameters based on the time spent on the site, so a visitor who spends more time, for example, viewing a virtual tour, "sends" signals to Google that the site is of high quality and worthy of being ranked in the top results.

Matterport Virtual Tours feature high-quality 3D technology, providing visitors with an experience that motivates them to explore the virtual tour for longer. Research shows that real estate sites with virtual tours receive four times more clicks and five times longer browsing times compared to other sites. To improve SEO, offer your business in 3D anywhere and anytime, making the site modern and dynamic.

Matterport virtual tours are compelling content for high-quality websites, news portals, and national media. If an interesting virtual tour is available on your website that resonates with a current topic, it can be conveniently shared with a wide audience on other platforms and news portals. Sharing a virtual tour on other internet portals improves domain performance and position in search engines, or organic SEO results.

3D virtual tours - a "Booster" for SEO

Google's algorithms are sophisticated and intelligent, and virtual tours, as interactive and engaging content, improve a site's SEO in many ways. Providing digital content that entails a high degree of user engagement is one of the most important and cost-effective ways. This is especially important for smaller businesses that may not have a large budget to invest in advertising. 

3D360 Virtual Tours provide an interactive experience that triples the time a user spends on the site. The longer the visitor interacts with the site, the more likely they are to become a new client. Hotspots increase the time users spend on the site, getting information from the virtual tour, thereby improving SEO.

3D virtual tours can also act as a multimedia and content hub for an enterprise, using interactive dots that offer the ability to embed video, text, images, music, and links, thereby creating 3D360 "virtual libraries" content that the end user can explore. Hotspots increase the time users spend on the site, getting information from the virtual tour, therefore, again - improving SEO.

Attract a customer with Google Street View

A virtual tour can be published and integrated with Google Street View, a valuable tool that can be used to improve SEO results and gain Google's trust.

For example, when someone on Google searches for a place to drink coffee, the user is presented with search results that include sites for nearby cafes. If a local cafe has a virtual tour, it is linked to the cafe's website, and the user can explore the cafe. Since a virtual tour triples the time of a user's interaction with the enterprise, Google will "understand" that people on the site of this cafe spend more time than on competitors' sites, thereby improving the position of SEO.


In summary, if users spend more time on the site, Google automatically receives signals that the site is attractive and informative, which will be useful to other users. Therefore, the trick is to include content that will hold the visitor's attention longer, including it in the SEO algorithm. A virtual tour does exactly that, as users will spend more time exploring the space. An attractive virtual tour can hold people's attention for much longer than usual, increasing the browsing time.

If you have any questions, we are virtual tours 3D360, we are happy to answer them to provide an excellent experience and high-quality virtual travel!


Virtual Tours 3D360





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