The best business advertising on the Internet

The best business advertising on the Internet

In times of crisis, creative thinking is always activated, because how else would we otherwise get out out of it? Of course, there will also be those who squeak and cry who will only know how to curse and swear about the existing order, where it will be very difficult to find the one responsible. Their share of truth, of course, is also held by those, and scolding those who are at fault, couldn't hurt, at least sometimes. How else will there be at least some understanding of what is fair and what is not? However, finding the culprit alone will not solve the problem. We have to go further!

The Covid-19 crisis and the year 2009 crisis have this in common. During this time, people are not afraid to take risks and open their businesses much more than in the fat and wealthy years. In addition, in order to become your own boss, you can start with something very small – you do not have to build a factory immediately or cultivate hectares of land. In cooperation with the innovative advertisement portal, let us look at ways to make money and tell others about it more successfully.

Maybe you think there are already so many who knit socks, sew children's bed linen or bake cakes, and you can't conquer this field anymore? It may be, but the value of any well-known product is increased by its design, company story, advertisement or some nuance that is possessed only by the specific product range offered. There are many such examples, for example, think of the Swedish company "Happy Socks". Two friends decided to manufacture socks, a product we have been using since the 16th century. There is no shortage of socks made in China in the world, but the company's creators gave a special everyday product a special and original design, thus gaining the opportunity to distribute their product in more than 10,000 design stores around the world. Sounds inspiring? 

Production possible also at home
You can start production of your product at home – this is called home production. According to the national law, even in this case, you must register with the tax system. You have 2 choices – become self-employed or start your own business. Registering as a self-employed person will be a little easier and maybe even recommended if you are completely inexperienced in business. In this case, it will be easier to arrange the paperwork, as well as pay taxes.

As a self-employed person, you will have to pay personal income tax as well as social tax from your income by submitting a income/expense report once a quarter. Registering your business will be a little trickier. As a home producer, it is worth doing this if other employees have to be hired/employed as well.

Further processes depend on what product is planned to be produced. If the expected product is textiles, then all you have to do is register with the State Revenue Service [Valsts ieņēmumu dienests] as a self-employed person, create your own accounting report book – either a tangible one, or use the possibilities offered by the Internet, as well as open a separate self-employed account, where tracking your income and expenses will be much easier.

Additional sanitary requirements for food production
If you have decided to produce even just sugar canes, then you must also register with the SRS and the FVS (Food Veterinary Service [Pārtikas veterinārais dienests]). The FVS will check that your residence or any other selected production facility meets all the necessary hygiene requirements. Of course, the business launch period is never easy, especially in the food industry, but keep in mind that FVS staff will not visit you just to punish you, but only to protect your customers by improving the quality of your products. If something was not right during the first visit, you will only receive a warning, but if you have not arranged any issues repeatedly, you will have to pay a fine. 

Autors: dalder_2
Autors: dalder_2

Tell others about yourself!
When you have gone through the mountains of papers or home pages about home production and the products have been produced, you need to get to an equally important point – advertising! Business advertising is just as important a piece of the puzzle to make the idea really work. Of course, you have to start with placing an advertisement on the Internet. You can create your own social networking page, but if you think it takes too much time, and you do not know how to separate your personal profile from the business page, try the All-Latvian advertisement portal! 

First of all, here you will be able to place ads for completely free – no matter how many! Second, this page also offers to create your own profile page or a mini home page. If you've already figured out your company name or brand name, set it as the profile photo. Instead of the suggested wallpaper, you can put a photo with already created products or just as well the motto of your activity. When you open your profile page, customers will be able to read more information about you in a separate section, see all the ads you have placed, as well as post reviews on a 5-star scale. 

Third, you will definitely like that the portal is perfectly structured and kept in pleasant tones – not to highlight itself, but just so that you, the seller, could stand out! The portal itself stands out with its wide offered possibilities – a detailed filtration system also by location, so that, for example, you can taste a real butter cake from a remote corner of Latgale, where it is baked according to the most recipes. Types of advertisements as such are most different. Moreover, when registering as a new user, it is possible to use the gift given by the portal in the amount of 50 euros to purchase relatively cheaper opportunities to promote advertisements than elsewhere. is free advertisements to increase you wallet size!




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