Retail sale of beverages
Arka Preiļi, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Arka Preiļi, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Brīvības 75B, Preiļi, Preiļu nov., LV-5301
Aro A.O., LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Aro A.O., LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Alkšņi", Lizuma pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4425
Ausma Plus, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Ausma Plus, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Alsunga, Skolas 3, Alsungas pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3306
Avenes 3, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Avenes 3, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Vietalva, Aveņu 2, Vietalvas pagasts, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5109
Avoti 93, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Avoti 93, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Beļava, Vienības 2, Beļavas pagasts, Gulbenes nov., LV-4409
Avotiņš R, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Avotiņš R, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Gornica , Silmalas pagasts, Rēzeknes nov. LV-4636
Brambergas nams, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Brambergas nams, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Tēriņu 55, Rīga LV-1058
Bānītis & J.J., LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Bānītis & J.J., LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Sauleskalns, Aronas 2, Bērzaunes pagasts, Madonas nov., LV-4853
Ciedrs 1, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Ciedrs 1, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pāvilostas 2, Liepāja LV-3402
Dilanis T, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Dilanis T, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Vasarnieku 2, Krāslava, Krāslavas nov. LV-5601
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Silavas , Turku pagasts, Līvānu nov. LV-5316
Gobas ZK, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Gobas ZK, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pētera Lodziņa 2A, Nereta, Neretas pagasts, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5118
HRG-lux, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
HRG-lux, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Ventspils 104, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
ITU Vārpiņa, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
ITU Vārpiņa, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Vārpiņa", Vārme, Vārmes pagasts, Kuldīgas nov., LV-3333
Jauna Rondo, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Jauna Rondo, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Malta, Skolas 21-46, Maltas pagasts, Rēzeknes nov. LV-4630
Jums S, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Jums S, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Silene, Skaista 7, Skrudalienas pagasts, Augšdaugavas nov., LV-5470
Juro IK, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Juro IK, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Lietuvas šoseja 52, Jelgava LV-3001
Jākobs Viens, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Jākobs Viens, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Braila 18, Rīga, LV-1024
Kalna Kastaņi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Kalna Kastaņi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Mālpils, Torņa 1, Mālpils pagasts, Siguldas nov. LV-2152
Lejas-Jaunskrāģi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Lejas-Jaunskrāģi, Farm
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Gaujas 21A, Jaunpiebalga, Jaunpiebalgas pagasts, Cēsu nov., LV-4125
Mazlauri-A, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Mazlauri-A, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Emiļa Melngaiļa 2B, Lēdurga, Lēdurgas pagasts, Siguldas nov. LV-4012
Neriņa V, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Neriņa V, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Jaunmārupe, Mazcenu aleja 6, Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes nov. LV-2166
Pie Grietas, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pie Grietas, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Ievkalni", Dursupe, Balgales pagasts, Talsu nov., LV-3287
Pie Tatjanas, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Pie Tatjanas, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
Zālīte, Dārza 12, Iecavas pagasts, Bauskas nov., LV-3913
RV Kodoli, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
RV Kodoli, LTD
Non-specialised retail sale of predominately food, beverages or tobacco
"Centrs" , Krimūnu pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3719