"Sakret" turnover in the Latvian market has increased by 25% over the last eight months

The amount of products sold by Latvian dry and ready-made building materials producer "Sakret" Ltd. in Latvia in the eight months time this year increased by more than 25%, reaching 6.4 million euros last year, the company informed LETA. The growth is based on both the intensity of the construction season and the tendency for construction companies to choose more efficient products and solutions, explained "Sakret." The largest sales of goods are observed in the main product groups for outdoor works – concrete mixes and building materials, for which sales increased by about 40% this year. Similarly, demand has increased for facade insulation systems, which is regarded as a positive trend for industry to choose effective solutions timely. "While evaluating the demand of this season, we have come to the conclusion that the society has got the right understanding about the application, efficiency and importance of building materials in the construction process, because, as experience shows, using cheap and low quality products or choosing not to use any solution at all, the sustainability of the final result fails. People have started to think far-reaching and choose to insulare their homes, thus saving money on heat energy, "said Juris Grinvalds, commercial director of "Sakret".




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