Latvian business support organizations
Latvian Generic Medicines Association
Latvian National Association for Consumer Protection (LPIAA) is a non-profit non-governmental organization that was founded in March, 1999 when already...
Estonian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia
Estonian Business Chamber is the first association of Estonian companies and enterpreneurs abroad....
Latvian Railwayman Society
Latvian Railway (LDz) Concern is one of the biggest in the state, employing more than 11 600 people. LDz is the biggest payer of social and resident income taxes to...
Lithuanian business support organizations
Lithuanian Printers Association (LISPA)
The goal of Association of Lithuanian Printing Industries is to create long-term development strategy for the printing market in Lithuania, leading the...
Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association
We coordinate activities of Association members in the development of rural tourism in Lithuania. Organization of seminars, conferences, trade fairs,...
Lithuanian Shipowners' Association
The Lithuanian Governmental Strategic Committee, which approved guidelines on the basis of study on the “Relevance and Economic Impact a Modern Shipping Policy on...

Global information partners
Estonian business support organizations
Estonian Pharmacists` Association
The Estonian Pharmacists’ Association is a non-profit association of pharmacies, which protects professional, social and economic rights, and interests of...
Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce
The Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce offers help in finding business partners, exchanges market and price information, organises forums and...
Estonian Association of Sme'S
The main goal of EVEA is to create a favourable entrepreneurial environment in Estonia as the basis for economic growth and social stability....