Latvian business support organizations
Building Materials Manufacturers Association
Association of Building Materials Manufacturers unites building materials manufacturers in Latvia in order to promote state support for the industry, both in...
Latvian Seed Producers' Association
In order to defend the interests of seed producers, to unite them to reach common goals, and to inform other farmers and other interested persons about Association...
Latvian Tax Consultant Association
The Latvian Tax Consultant Association is an association established on 26 January 2001 for the purpose of monitoring the work of professional tax consultants and...
Lithuanian business support organizations
Lithuanian Advertising Agencies Association
KOMAA Mission statement. To unite advertising agencies, seeking to develop an advertising market, raise prestige of the industry and together make decisions...
Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania
The purposes of the Association is:to encourage and expand connections, trade and investments between Sweden and Lithuania; to promote the interests of it’s...
Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LCI)
Main objectives of the Confederation are To create most favourable conditions for the development of economic, technical and social progress of Lithuanian...

Global information partners
Estonian business support organizations
Estonian Biomass Association
EBA is engaged in biofuels research, resources estimation, development of renewable types of energy and promotion of the use of environmentfriendly fuels on both...
Estonian Insurance Association
Estonian Insurance Association (EKsL) is an organisation which unites all the insurance companies and branches of foreign insurance companies permanently...
Estonian Trade Union Confederation
The EAKL operates to ensure that the principle of social justice is respected in society. The EAKL represents employees’ interests in collective agreements and...